Sunday, January 26, 2020

Human Nature In The War Of The Worlds

Human Nature In The War Of The Worlds Explore the theme of humanity under threat in H.G Wells The War of the Worlds. In H.G Wells The War of the Worlds, the Martian invaders view mans culture and society with less regard than a man would the itch from a flea. Wells depicts mans insignificance in the workings of unfathomable Martian intentions; It was never a war, any more than theres a war between men and ants. (Wells, H.G, The War of the Worlds. Penguin Books Ltd: 80 Strand, London WC 2 R ORL, England, 2005. Ch 7, p.152). The human response to the invasion is at first confused and at times disturbingly complacent. Wells shows us a Darwinian influenced pattern that pervades throughout humanity and suggests that humans as a species are just clever animals. He challenges the Christian view that man has a special place in the universe and dominion over the earth. The fact that it is bacteria, the lowest form of life, which defeats the invaders and saves humanity, is simply pure chance. This further suggests that all life is a consequence of chance and backs up the Darwinian standpoint. Humanity is exposed as just another manifestation of life, and humans are no more important in the greater scheme of things than the very lowest form of life, represented here by bacteria. Wells does this by presenting humanity under the threat of extinction as no more important than an ant hill under threat from man. (Ch 7, p.152). At first the people of Horsell Common dont know what to make of the cylinder from Mars or its occupants. A feeling of excitement infects the crowd as the cylinder is unscrewing. The invaders are successful in preparing their attack due in part to the peoples hesitation in acting; this uncertainty leads to many deaths by the invaders. It is only when the Martians first emerge from the cylinder that any sense of fear can be detected. Fear compels the narrator to run and deny rescue to the shopkeeper still trapped in the pit; I had a momentary impulse to go back and help him that my fears overruled. (Ch 4, p.22). His humanity in this case is to preserve himself at the expense of his fellow man. Wells lays bare our animal nature in this chapter and how we, like many creatures, rely on our baser instincts for self protection. He uses the fear of the narrator to good effect showing it as a survival mechanism which influences his actions. The invaders are responded to by many, as any other invading army would be, and their intentions are assumed to be, very human ones. Mans very understanding of the situation is demonstrated as just another prime mover in his own demise, Did they grasp that we in our millions were organised, disciplined, working together? Or did they interpret our spurts of fire, the sudden stinging of our shells (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) as we should the furious unanimity of onslaught in a disturbed hive of bees? (Ch 15, p.86). Wells draws distinction between mans perceived place in the universe and its actual place, revealed by virtue of the Martian extermination process. As a further illustration of the futility of mans world view the narrator describes the war-fever that spreads through a community under threat; [It] had got into my blood (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) I can best express my state of mind by saying that I wanted to be in at the death. (Ch 10, p.44). The narrators assumption that the Martians can be defeated by military means highlights his level of ignorance, which subsequently influences his interpretation of the first tripod when he encounters it. His lack of familiarity also fuels his fascination and his failure to react when self-preservation dictates that he should flee. In this chapter Wells demonstrates the narrators inability to comprehend something that he is not previously familiar with; At first I took it for the wet roof of a house. His incomprehension puts emphasis on the weirdness of the object and his unawareness of the situation. The tripod is so unfamiliar that at first he cannot comprehend what it is. His negligence to immediate ly turn and escape in the opposite direction seems illogical but is understood, due to his flawed perception of the tripod and ultimately shows mans flawed perception of themselves in relation to the wider universe. That is, man is no longer at the centre of all worlds. Wells show us this flawed perception itself is deep rooted in our unilateral experience as a species and can therefore hinder effective action when faced with something previously unknown. Incomprehension soon gives way to terror as the tripod is finally revealed; clear and sharp and bright. (Ch 10, p.46). In the few moments it takes him to realise the tripod for what it is, the horror of the situation is revealed to the reader and the technological superiority of the Martians is made known. Wells suggests that extinction of our species either by our own hand or that of an outside force is in fact a possibility; we can never anticipate the unseen good or evil that may come upon us suddenly out of space. (Ch 10 p.179). In his novel, Wells is asking the reader to re-evaluate our importance as a species in the greater scheme of things. However, taking this as a standpoint we can examine the significance of the bacteria and the reason why the invaders were defeated; in all the bodies of the Martians that were examined after the war, no bacteria except those already known as terrestrial species were found. (Ch 10 p.177). The Martians had presumably advanced to a level of technology where they had eradicated all bacteria on their home world. (Ch 10). Physically they were poor adversaries, only their technology made them impressive. It could be argued here that Wells book teaches us a moral lesson; that the quest for knowledge, represented by the Martians technology, can lead to downfall. Interestingly, to illustrate this idea Wells uses a Christian parable, that of Adams temptation in the Garden of Eden as written in the book of Genesis. Adam ate from the tree of knowledge because he wanted to understand the universe as God did. This caused him to be separated from God and with that he suffered his fate. This causes t he reader to ask why Wells would draw this parallel with Christian dogma considering his opinion of humanity from a Darwinian standpoint. A possible conclusion from this is that Wells is not saying there is no God, but rather the exact opposite; that life itself is a supreme force, represented in his novel by the bacteria that defeats the Martians. Is Wells alluding to a different kind of God, a supreme life-force which permeates itself throughout the universe and gives rise in turn to all other conceivable life forms? Wells may be saying yes, there is no Christian God, man has no significance and life is meaningless. But he may also be saying that life itself is the manifestation of a supreme force. And that separation from this life-force through pursuit of knowledge could spell disaster for our own species as it did in the case of the Martian invaders. War of the Worlds, although classified as a sci-fi novel, could in many ways be seen as an old fashioned morality tale, in this case warning humanity to be careful of our pursuit of technology and knowledge, lest we lose our very soul. Wells shows us that extinction of our species can and may happen at some stage in the future and that our view of who we are and our perceptions of the wider universe may affect our survival in such an instance. He does this by exploring of the theme of humanity under threat in The War of the Worlds.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Explore the differences between working with individuals and working with groups in the community context

When looking at community work firstly one must try ad define what is meant when talking about the community. Community can have many different meaning and due to this can be very hard to find one answer to help us to understand the word community. According to the dictionary community is ‘a group of people living in one place, the public in general' ( Collins pocket dictionary, Collins, 1982) although this offers a place to start it doesn't help us to understand community it's self. Both community and youth work both have totally different aims and have changed over the years. Youth work traditionally started as a form of informal education as a way of getting children involved with different activities although now it is becoming more and more formal. It started of as a collective idea where young people in the same social background could meet and the youth workers could work with them around these issues. Ultimately until very recently youth workers just helped the youth to over come their problems. Now in the modern society it is moving much more towards formal education where the youth workers take an active role on the administrating of the education of the youth. Working with individuals compared to groups of the community is totally different and throws up totally different problems. I'm going to look at the advantages of both first and then apply them to some common community issues to see which works best when put into perspective. Individual work usually involves working on a one to one basis with some one either simply talking about issues that worry them or offering help with a problem that they have. A huge advantage of working one to one is the fact that you can offer confidentiality to that person who has approached you. Due to this it enables the person the open up a lot more as they know that it isn't going to be over heard by any other person. Working on this basis also allows much more sensitive issues to be addressed, like the issues of the home background. By working one to one it enables you to get a lot more information out of the individual that maybe they are ashamed to address in public. By using this way of helping people you can form strong bonds between you and the person who you are helping and trust can be built up from here. Eventually becoming a friend of the person and being seen less as a helper but more of an equal, this type of relationship can also a big help when dealing with emotional problems. Since the worker becomes more of an equal rather than a helper it can be addressed in a more relaxed way and hopefully be more beneficial to the individual. Although individual work has many strengths it doesn't go without its weaknesses. By just having a one to one session the person does not have the social contact with they may need and attain by talking it though as a group. It also fails to let the individual know that they are not the only one with the problem that they have. By addressing it as a group the whole group can share their feeling on the issue but one a one to one basis the person becomes very self reliant on that issue and can some times fail to notice tat they aren't the only ones suffering form that problem. Community workers only a have small money pots. By offering one to one help for everyone with a problem would be stupid. Individual sessions take up more time than group work and therefore allow the money that would be spent on the workers hours to be spent on other things like a project for raising awareness of sexual health. One aim of community work is to gain a sense of belonging and togetherness within that chosen area. By address each problem on a one to one basis it defeats the problem. Surely by addressing the problem as a group it would bring about a sense of understanding. By working with just individual people there is always the problem with the fact that they could become attached to that person or even dependant on you, which ideally should not happen as they should be learning to trust their peer group not an outsider. Although it may not happen on a regular basis it is still a problem of one on one interview. Group work although at first many seem a good idea has its down falls as well. Originally used on mass by the uniformed organisations, it offers a way of getting to know each other in a relaxed environment. Using group worked in the community has big advantages. Since community can mean togetherness by addressing a problem as a group it allows everyone to be come involed. Take for example crime. By working as group to address it, it is both easier and

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The True Story About College Research Paper Writing Help That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear

The True Story About College Research Paper Writing Help That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear Rumors, Deception and College Research Paper Writing Help Therefore, if you're also trying to find the very best research paper help, then don't waste your time anymore, rather contact us. You will, therefore, be in a position to go through your work and earn the much-required knowledge within your area of study. The growth in commercial blogs, content writing websites, the on-line services are becoming increasingly more profitable. It's likewise not efficient to do too much research before you truly understand what you're searching for. The Chronicles of College Research Paper Writing Help You could be thinking about why college students would decide to purchase college papers online when they can do it independently. With the many pursuits that students have on their day-to-day schedules, it can be difficult to locate the opportunity to all the requisite research and writing. The student needs to be assisted when it comes to selecting the right college, which delivers the course they're interested in studying. Typically, the students are assigned to compose a research paper as a way to receive their degrees. Students feel exactly the same trepidation at the idea of visiting college. They are therefore forced to go for alternative means of writing their college papers. They face many different types of assignments. They need help to get organized. What Is So Fascinating About College Research Paper Writing Help? Once you have completed writing the whole paper, it's important to check for errors in the content. Adhering to the format It is not simply the matter on which you get marks but likewise the formatting is counted. Moreover, the papers structure and format needs to be reviewed to adhere to the mandatory standards. To organize relevant information regarding the research paper, you should learn about the best format of the job. Furthermore, the tips can help you compose the paper efficiently without a lot of effort. There was NOTHINGincluded on the very best, most productive strategies to teach any particular topic. To acquire the sources with relevant facts and data, effective search techniques should be used. Conducting research is just one of the significant approaches in solving problems and issues that influence the society at large. Greatest research paper topic is one which can be backed up with sufficient evidence. Without a suitable content, very good research paper topics are not going to make sense. Not all research paper topics are made equal, and you would like to be sure you select a wonderful topic before you commence writing. The results of a purchases paper on the internet can demonstrate the importance of relying on experts for such guidance. Even if a specific research paper topic is getting plenty of buzz at this time or other individuals seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic if you don't genuinely have some type of interest in it also. There's no getting around the simple fact a term paper takes a good deal of work to write. Therefore, in case you too are looking for somebody who can finish your research paper, then you're at the appropriate place. College Research Paper Writing Help: the Ultimate Convenience! Select a college research paper topic which you're acquainted with or like research on. You may make yours different if you purchase a paper achieved by a specialist online. By now you ought to have realized how important it's to compose a winning college paper. If you own a college research paper to write, order expert essay online to fulfill the deadline. Before you commence writing a single word of your paper, you first will need to understand what your thesis will be. You should constantly return and revise to ensure your thesis reflects the remaining portion of the paper.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Unique Quotes for Birthday Cake Messages

So you’re in charge of the birthday cake, and you need a short, sweet sentiment that befits the occasion and personality of your guest of honor. But before you get frustrated trying to come up with something unique, here’s a quick slice of history to go with a helpful sampling of birthday messages to follow. According to historians, the very first mention of a birthday celebration is in reference to the day of the coronation of a new Egyptian pharaoh, who was believed to be reborn that day as a god. That tradition made its way to the Greeks who baked special moon-shaped cakes and adorned them with candles that would glow like the moon in honor of the lunar goddess Artemis. And the smoke from the candle would act as the vehicle carrying their (make a wish) and prayers to their gods in the sky. Most likely inspired by the Greeks, the ancient Romans were baking birthday cakes to celebrate famous public figures and to honor the 50th birthdays of friends and family. By the 1400s, German bakeries were offering birthday cakes, and by the 1700s, they were celebrating Kinderfesten, annual birthdays for children with a candle added for each year of life. Birthday cakes were too expensive for most people until the early 1800s. Then, new leavening agents became available, such as baking soda and bak ing powder, which made baking affordable and easier than ever before. So whether you are baking a cake from scratch or a box, or you’re getting one from a bakery, here are some quotes for the icing on the top. They’re from a general (George Patton); statesman (Benjamin Disraeli); businessmen (Bernard M. Baruch, Henry Ford), media executive (Oprah Winfrey); philosopher (Richard Cumberland); painter (Pablo Picasso), singers/musicians (Cora Harvey Armstrong, Aretha Franklin, John Lennon); actors (Clint Eastwood, Frances McDormand); filmmaker (Lula Buà ±uel), cartoonist (Charles Schulz), humorist/comedians (Art Buchwald, Groucho Marx); poets (Emily Dickinson, Alexander Pope, William Shakespeare); and many writers (Betty Friedan, Franz Kafka, George Meredith, W.B. Pitkin, Jean-Paul Richter, Anthony Robbins, George Sand, Dr. Seuss, Gertrude Stein, Jonathan Swift, Booth Tarkington). Copy these quotes with attribution, or use them as a starting point to help inspire a genius â€Å"happy birthday† message of your own. Anonymous Turning 30 is a piece of cake. Cora Harvey Armstrong Inside every older person is a younger person — wondering what the hell happened.​ Bernard M. Baruch Old age is 15 years older than I am. Art Buchwald The best things in life arent things. Luis Buà ±uel Age is something that doesnt matter, unless you are a cheese. Richard Cumberland It is better to wear out than to rust out. Emily Dickinson We turn not older with years, but newer every day. Benjamin Disraeli Life is too short to be small. Clint Eastwood Aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it. Henry Ford Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Aretha Franklin Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift. Betty Friedan Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength. Franz Kafka Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. Irish Proverb The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune. John Lennon Count your age by friends, not years. Groucho Marx Getting older is no problem. You just have to live long enough. Frances McDormand With aging, you earn the right to be loyal to yourself. George Meredith Dont just count your years, make your years count. George Patton Live for something rather than die for nothing. Pablo Picasso Youth has no age. W.B. Pitkin Life begins at 40. Alexander Pope Count each birthday with a grateful mind. Jean Paul Richter Birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. Anthony Robbins Live with passion. George Sand Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. Charles Schulz Once youre over the hill, you begin to pick up speed. Dr. Seuss aka Theodor Seuss Geisel There is no one alive who is you-er than you! William Shakespeare With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come. Gertrude Stein We are always the same age inside. Jonathan Swift May you live all the days of your life. Booth Tarkington Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age. Oprah Winfrey The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.